The U.S. Postal Service has proposed new postage rates to be implemented on Sunday, January 21, 2018, subject to approval by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). Listed below are the highlights of the proposed 2018 USPS rate increase for customers buying postage online:
First Class Mail Letters
The rate for a First Class Mail Letter (1 oz.) for postage purchased at the Post Office is increasing by one cent to $0.50 from $0.49. If you print postage online (via, the Metered Mail rate will continue to receive a 3 cent discount off the Post Office price, with rates increasing to $0.47 in 2018 from $0.46 in 2017. Each additional ounce will cost an extra $0.21 (no change from 2017).
The rate for a First Class Mail Flats/Large Envelope is increasing by two cents to $1.00 (1 oz.) and postcards are increasing by one cent to $0.35 in 2018.
Priority Mail Express (Commercial Base Pricing)
Overall, prices for Priority Mail Express will increase by 3.9%. A 1 lb. package going to Zone 8 using Priority Mail Express will cost $35.04 in 2018 compared to $33.76 currently.
Priority Mail Express Flat Rate (Commercial Base Pricing)
Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelopes will also see a rate increase in 2018. The increases vary depending on the type of envelope, ranging from $0.80 to $0.82 per envelope.
Priority Mail (Commercial Base Pricing)
Priority Mail will see an average increase of 6.2%. A 1 lb. package going to Zone 8 using Priority Mail will cost $7.76 in 2018 compared to $7.25 currently.
Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes & Envelopes (Commercial Base Pricing)
Postage rates for Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes as well as Flat Rate Envelopes will increase in 2018. The popular Priority Mail Flat Rate Padded Envelope will cost $7.10 in 2018 compared to $6.50 currently, a $0.60 increase. And the Priority Mail Medium Flat Rate Box will cost $12.85 in 2018 compared to $12.40 currently.
Priority Mail Regional Rate (Commercial Base Pricing)
Shipping rates for Priority Mail Regional Rate Boxes will be increasing for most Zones. However, Regional Rate Box A for Zone 5 will be saying the same price at $8.15. And Regional Rate Box B for Zone 5 will be decreasing by $0.30 to $10.65 from $10.95 currently.
First Class Package Service (Commercial Base Pricing)
Overall rates for First Class Package Service will increase by 3.9%. Rates are increasing the most in packages weighing 13 ounces or greater with a 15.999 ounce package costing $4.94 in 2018 from $4.30 currently ($0.64 increase).
Parcel Select Ground (Commercial Base Pricing)
While most Parcel Select Ground options will be increasing, there are some weight and zone groupings where rates are decreasing. Parcel Select Ground rates are decreasing for Zone 4 – 4 lbs, and Zone 5 – 3, 4 and 5 lb. packages. Rates are also decreasing for Zone 3 for packages weighing between 44 lbs. and 59 lbs. Rates are seeing a much larger increase of between $1.03 and $4.11 per package in the 10 lbs. or heavier traveling to Zones 6, 7 or 8.
Media Mail
Media Mail rates will increase by 1.9% in 2018. A 1 lb. package traveling to Zone 8 will cost $2.66 in 2018 compared to $2.63 currently.
Global Express Guaranteed (Commercial Base Pricing)
Global Express Guaranteed postage prices will increases across all weights and zones.
Priority Mail Express International
Priority Mail Express International rates will be increasing by an average of 3.9% across all 17 Country Groups in 2018.
Priority Mail International
Priority Mail International rates will be increasing by an average of 3.9% in 2018.
First Class Package International Service
First Class Package International Service rates will be increasing by an average of 3.9% across all 17 Country Groups in 2018. Will Automatically Update to the New USPS Rates on January 21, 2018
Once the rates are approved by the PRC, will automatically update all USPS rates inside the software and web-based version ( Online) on Sunday, January 21, 2018. If you are a customer, no additional actions are needed and you will AUTOMATICALLY see the 2018 USPS rates in the platform.