Today, April 20, 2020, the USPS received communications from six international carriers announcing extensions of existing service alterations and one new service alteration. Be advised that USPS packages sent to these locations may be affected. For a full list of all international service disruptions visit the Stamps.com Coronvirus Updates Page.
Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands Postal Service has extended the suspension of all postal operations until May 4, 2020.
Cpost International N.V. has extended the suspension of all postal operations until April 27, 2020.
La Poste has advised customers that the French Government has extended its orders to combat the spread of coronavirus until May 11, 2020. As a result, La Poste will extend its previously announced service alterations.
Jordan Post Company has advised that at this time outbound letter mail can only be sent to Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Express Mail Service is available to all international destinations with the exception of India. Additionally, all items destined to Jordan are being sanitized, and no signatures are being required for letter-post, parcel-post or EMS items.
Maldives Post has extended the suspension of all postal operations until May 3, 2020, or until further notice.
CTT Correios de Portugal has extended measures aimed at combating the spread of coronavirus until May 2, 2020.
The National Postal Corporation (Iposita) has extended the suspension of all postal operations until April 30, 2020.