Reusing boxes can make you feel good. You’re saving the environment! You’re reducing waste! You’re saving money! But are you making a mistake? Well, that depends.
Cover Unfamiliar Markings
First of all, it is extremely important to cover all markings and symbols with which you’re not familiar. When I first started selling on eBay, I sent a pair of shoes in a box marked “ORM-D.” Packages bearing this mark contain hazardous materials. The package didn’t get far. It was held hostage in a city 45 minutes away. The Postal Service wanted me to pick it up. I drove to the agreed upon location—an out-of-the-way USPS warehouse. I was shipping shoes, I tell you. Shoes! What a nightmare.
Hide or Remove Old Address Labels
In addition, be sure to cover or remove any old address labels. As an eBay newbie, I had several boxes returned to me because the USPS only saw the original address label which showed the destination address as being my own!
Avoid Alcohol Containers
Sending items via the USPS in boxes that once contained alcohol can also be a problem. I would avoid using them. According to the USPS website, beer, wine, and liquor may not be sent through the mail. If you want to reuse a box for shipping that has alcoholic beverage labels on it, remove all logos and labels, so your package will pass through the mail system.
Check the Stability of the Box
If you plan to reuse a box, make sure it hasn’t lost its strength. For example, a box that has endured the process of traveling across the United States is often not strong enough to protect the products you are shipping. If you’re sending a stuffed animal, you might be OK. But don’t expect Grandma’s dishes to arrive safely if you‘re shipping them in a box that has already seen the other side of the country.
Make a Good Impression
Finally, think about the impression you are making on your customer. If you are planning to recycle boxes, reuse those boxes that are clean and professional looking. I belong to quite a few eBay-related Facebook groups. Every once in a while someone will post a picture of a box they received from an eBay seller that originally contained adult diapers. Not good!
Reusing boxes is a good idea, as long as you’re smart about it. Stick to professional-looking, clean, sturdy boxes, and you’ll stay out of trouble. Follow these tips, and your shipping journey will be smooth sailing!
Don’t forget – the USPS provides sellers free boxes for products being shipped via Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express. And they’ll ship these free shipping supplies to your work or home for free.
About the Author
Miriam Otto is an eBay blogger and credentialed teacher with 13 years’ experience selling on the site. She was a frequent guest on eBay Radio and has participated in eBay seller panels and projects. Her blog, The eBay Life, is an all-in-one resource for eBay sellers.